It might seem like old news, but the same criteria can still be used today to measure how relational a database is. These rules are frequently brought up in conversations when discussing how well a particular database server is implemented. I present the rules in this appendix, along with brief comments as to whether SQL Server 2008 meets each of them, or otherwise. Relational theory has come a long way since these rules were first published, and “serious” theorists have enhanced and refined relational theory tremendously since then, as you’d expect. A good place for more serious learning is the website, run by C. J. Date and Fabian Pascal, or any of their books. If you want to see the debates on theory, the newsgroup comp.databases.theory is a truly interesting place. Of course, as the cover of this book states, my goal is practicality, with a foundation on theory, so I won’t delve too deeply into theory here at all. I present these 12 rules simply to set a basis for what a relational database started out to be and largely what it is and what it should be even today.
All these rules are based upon what’s sometimes referred to as the foundation principle, which states that for any system to be called a relational database management system, the relational capabilities must be able to manage it completely.
For the rest of this appendix, I’ll treat SQL Server 2008 specifically as a relational database engine, not in any of the other configurations in which it might be used, such as a plain data store, a document storage device, or whatever other way you might use SQL Server as a storage engine.
Rule 1: The Information Rule
"All information in the relational database is represented in exactly one and only one way—by values in tables."
This rule is an informal definition of a relational database and indicates that every piece of data that we permanently store in a database is located in a table.
In general, SQL Server fulfills this rule, because we cannot store any information in anything other than a table. We can’t use the variables in this code to persist any data, and therefore they’re scoped to a single batch.
Rule 2: Guaranteed Access Rule
"Each and every datum (atomic value) is guaranteed to be logically accessible by resorting to acombination of table name, primary key value, and column name."
This rule stresses the importance of primary keys for locating data in the database. The table namelocates the correct table, the column name finds the correct column, and the primary key valuefinds the row containing an individual data item of interest. In other words, each (atomic) piece ofdata is accessible by the combination of table name, primary key value, and column name. Thisrule exactly specifies how we access data using an access language such as Transact-SQL (T-SQL)in SQL Server.
Using SQL, we can search for the primary key value (which is guaranteed to be unique, basedon relational theory, as long as it has been defined), and once we have the row, the data is accessedvia the column name. We can also access data by any of the columns in the table, though we aren’talways guaranteed to receive a single row back.
Rule 3: Systematic Treatment of NULL Values
"NULL values (distinct from empty character string or a string of blank characters and distinctfrom zero or any other number) are supported in the fully relational RDBMS for representingmissing information in a systematic way, independent of data type."
This rule requires that the RDBMS support a distinct NULL placeholder, regardless of datatype. NULLsare distinct from an empty character string or any other number, and they are always to be consideredas unknown values.
NULLs must propagate through mathematic operations as well as string operations. NULL +
There are a few settings in SQL Server that can customize how NULLs are treated. Most of thesesettings exist because of some poor practices that were allowed in early versions of SQL Server:
- ANSI_NULLS: Determines how NULL comparisons are handled. When OFF, then NULL = NULL isTrue for the comparison, and when ON (the default), NULL = NULL returns UNKNOWN.
- CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL: When the CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL setting is set ON, NULLs aretreated properly, such that NULL + 'String Value' = NULL. If the CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULLsetting is OFF, which is allowed for backward compatibility with SQL Server, NULLs are treatedin a nonstandard way such that NULL + 'String Value' = 'String Value'.
"The database description is represented at the logical level in the same way as ordinary data,so authorized users can apply the same relational language to its interrogation as they applyto regular data."
This rule requires that a relational database be self-describing. In other words, the database mustcontain certain system tables whose columns describe the structure of the database itself, or alternatively,the database description is contained in user-accessible tables.
This rule is becoming more of a reality in each new version of SQL Server, as with the implementationof the INFORMATION_SCHEMA system views. The INFORMATION_SCHEMA is a schema that has aset of views to look at much of the metadata for the tables, the relationships, the constraints, andeven the code in the database.
Anything else you need to know can most likely be viewed in the system views (in the SYS schema).They’re the system views that replaced the system tables in 2005 that we had used since the beginningof SQL Server time. These views are far easier to read and use, and most all the data is self-explanatory,rather than requiring bitwise operations on some columns to find the value.
Rule 5: Comprehensive Data Sublanguage Rule
"A relational system may support several languages and various modes of terminal use. However,there must be at least one language whose statements are expressible, per somewell-defined syntax, as character strings and whose ability to support all of the following iscomprehensible:
a. data definition
b. view definition
c. data manipulation (interactive andby program)
d. integrity constraints
e. authorization
f. transaction boundaries (begin, commit,and rollback)."
This rule mandates the existence of a relational database language, such as SQL, to manipulatedata. SQL as such isn’t specifically required. The language must be able to support all the centralfunctions of a DBMS: creating a database, retrieving and entering data, implementing databasesecurity, and so on. T-SQL fulfils this function for SQL Server and carries out all the data definitionand manipulation tasks required to access data.
SQL is a nonprocedural language, in that you don’t specify “how” things happen, or evenwhere. You simply ask a question of the relational server, and it does the work.
Rule 6: View Updating Rule
"All views that are theoretically updateable are also updateable by the system."
All views that are theoretically updateable are also updateable by the system.This rule deals with views, which are virtual tables used to give various users of a database differentviews of its structure. It’s one of the most challenging rules to implement in practice, and no commercialproduct fully satisfies it today.
A view is theoretically updateable as long as it’s made up of columns that directly correspondto real table columns. In SQL Server, views are updateable as long as you don’t update more than asingle table in the statement; neither can you update a derived or constant field. SQL Server 2000also implemented INSTEAD OF triggers that you can apply to a view (see Chapter 6). Hence, this rulecan be technically fulfilled using INSTEAD OF triggers, but in what can be a less-than-straightforwardmanner. You need to take care when considering how to apply updates, especially if the view containsa GROUP BY clause and possibly aggregates.
Rule 7: High-Level Insert, Update, and Delete
"The capability of handling a base relation or a derived relation as a single operand appliesnot only to the retrieval of data but also to the insertion, update, and deletion of data."
This rule stresses the set-oriented nature of a relational database. It requires that rows be treated assets in insert, delete, and update operations. The rule is designed to prohibit implementations thatsupport only row-at-a-time, navigational modification of the database. The SQL language coversthis via the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements.
Even the CLR doesn’t allow you to access the physical files where the data is stored, but BCPdoes kind of go around this. As always, you have to be extra careful when you use the low-level tools that can modify the data without going through the typical SQL syntax, because it can ignore the rules you have set up, introducing inconsistencies into your data.
Rule 8: Physical Data Independence
"Application programs and terminal activities remain logically unimpaired whenever anychanges are made in either storage representation or access methods."
Applications must still work using the same syntax, even when changes are made to the way inwhich the database internally implements data storage and access methods. This rule implies that the way the data is stored physically must be independent of the logical manner in which it’s accessed. This is saying that users shouldn’t be concerned about how the data is stored or howit’s accessed. In fact, users of the data need only be able to get the basic definition of the data theyneed.
Other things that shouldn’t affect the user’s view of the data are as follows:
- Adding indexes: Indexes determine how the data is stored, yet the user, through SQL, willnever know that indexes are being used.
- Changing the filegroup of an object: Just moving a table to a new filegroup will not affect theapplication. You access the data in the same way no matter where it is physically located.
- Using partitioning: Beyond moving entire tables around to different filegroups, you canmove parts of a table around by using partitioning technologies to spread access around todifferent independent subsystems to enhance performance.
- Modifying the storage engine: From time to time, Microsoft has to modify how SQL Server operates (especially in major version upgrades). However, SQL statements must appear toaccess the data in the same manner as they did in any previous version, only (we hope) faster.
Rule 9: Logical Data Independence
"Application programs and terminal activities remain logically unimpaired when information preserving changes of any kind that theoretically permit unimpairment are made to the base tables."
Along with rule 8, this rule insulates the user or application program from the low-level implementation of the database. Together, they specify that specific access or storage techniques used by the RDBMS—and even changes to the structure of the tables in the database—shouldn’t affect the user’s ability to work with the data.
In this way, if you add a column to a table and if tables are split in a manner that doesn’t add or subtract columns, then the application programs that call the database should be unimpaired. For example, say you have the table in Figure A-1.
The user should be unaffected. If you were to implement INSTEAD OF triggers on the view that had the same number of columns with the same names, you could seamlessly meet the need to manage the view in the exact manner the table was managed. Note that the handling of identity columns can be tricky in views, because they require data to be entered, even when the data won’t be used. See Chapter 6 for more details on creating INSTEAD OF triggers.
Of course, you cannot always make this rule work if columns or tables are removed from the system, but you can make the rule work if columns and data are simply added.
Rule 10: Integrity Independence
"Integrity constraints specific to a particular relational database must be definable in the relational data sublanguage and storable in the catalog, not in the application programs."
The database must support a minimum of the following two integrity constraints:
- Entity integrity: No component of a primary key is allowed to have a NULL value.
- Referential integrity: For each distinct non-NULL foreign key value in a relational database, there must exist a matching primary key value from the same domain.
This rule says that the database language should support integrity constraints that restrict the data that can be entered into the database and the database modifications that can be made. In other words, the RDBMS must internally support the definition and enforcement of entity integrity (primary keys) and referential integrity (foreign keys).
It requires that the database be able to implement constraints to protect the data from invalid values and that careful database design is needed to ensure that referential integrity is achieved. SQL Server 2008 does a great job of providing the tools to make this rule a reality. We can protect our data from invalid values for most any possible case using constraints and triggers. Most of Chapter 6 was spent covering the methods that we can use in SQL Server to implement integrity independence.
Rule 11: Distribution Independence
"The data manipulation sublanguage of a relational DBMS must enable application programs and terminal activities to remain logically unimpaired whether and whenever data are physically centralized or distributed."
This rule says that the database language must be able to manipulate data located on other computer systems. In essence, we should be able to split the data on the RDBMS out onto multiple physical systems without the user realizing it. SQL Server 2008 supports distributed transactions among SQL Server sources, as well as other types of sources using the Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator service.
Another distribution-independence possibility is a group of database servers working together more or less as one. Database servers working together like this are considered to be federated.With every new SQL Server version, the notion of federated database servers seamlessly sharing the load is becoming a definite reality. More reading on this subject can be found in the SQL Server 2008 Books Online in the “Federated Database Servers” topic.
Rule 12: Non-Subversion Rule.
If a relational system has or supports a low-level (single-record-at-a-time) language, that low-level language cannot be used to subvert or bypass the integrity rules or constraints expressed in the higher-level (multiple-records-at-a-time) relational language.
This rule requires that alternate methods of accessing the data are not able to bypass integrity constraints, which means that users can’t violate the rules of the database in any way. For most SQL Server 2008 applications, this rule is followed, because there are no methods of getting to the raw data and changing values other than by the methods prescribed by the database. However, SQL Server 2008 violates this rule in two places:
- Bulk copy: By default, you can use the bulk copy routines to insert data into the table directly and around the database server validations.
- Disabling constraints and triggers: There’s syntax to disable constraints and triggers, thereby subverting this rule.
It’s always good practice to make sure you use these two features carefully. They leave gaping holes in the integrity of your data, because they allow any values to be inserted in any column. Because you’re expecting the data to be protected by the constraint you’ve applied, data value errors might occur in the programs that use the data, without revalidating it first.
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